Pokemon Movie 18 : Hoopa And The Clash Of Ages English Dubbed HD

Hoopa And The Clash Of Ages

One hundred years ago, a mysterious Pokémon appears out of a ring and attacks a village. It summons a few Legendary Pokémon, and defeats them easily. A mysterious traveler then manages to trap the mysterious Pokémon into a bottle, causing all the summoned Legendary Pokémon to return from where they came. The Traveler disposes of the bottle properly, hoping that the Pokémon will never be released from its prison. Years later, a man finds the bottle but is suddenly possessed by an enraged spirit when touching it. Meanwhile, in a resort out in the desert, Ash and his friends are frolicking in the sun, eating Serena's donut-shaped Poké Puffs. Suddenly, a mysterious ring appears from nowhere and a hand comes out, grabbing Chespin's donut and replacing it with a Tamato Berry. Chespin didn't realize the switch, and eats it, the spicy flavor causing it to overheat so much, Bonnie thinks it learned Flamethrower. Ash then notices multiple rings popping out of nowhere, grabbing all the donuts. He attempts to apprehend the culprit, but manages to get pulled into a ring, himself, along with Pikachu. The pair soon realize that they now are in Dahara City. The prankster reveals itself to be a talking Hoopa, and Ash introduces himself and Pikachu to it. Always a prankster, Hoopa insists on calling Ash 'Ashkan' and Pikachu 'Pikan'. Soon, Hoopa decides that it wants to show off its power to the two, and summons a large horde of Pikachu, including five Cosplay Pikachu, from its Ring. Hoopa then makes a game of this and asks Ash which is his 'Pikan', and Ash easily picks up the right one. Hoopa is sad, saying "Hoopa lost." Eventually, one Pikachu gets excited, causing all the others to do the same, and all of the Pikachu electrocute Ash and Hoopa. A woman approaches the three and lectures Hoopa on his behavior, but gets electrocuted as well. She soon introduces herself as Meray and soon, thereafter, Ash asks Hoopa to make a ring to get to his friends, to which Hoopa excitedly agrees to do so. Ash reaches through and gets the group to Dahara City. The group then decide to go to Dahara Tower, the same place where Meray was going. However, when they ask Hoopa if they can make the trip shorter by using its rings, it forgets that it can't go into its own rings just yet, so the team decide to move on foot. 



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